
Closed 'till I have inspiration again!

But you can still follow me on twitter:

Tweety ;)

Hello, so yeah, long time not updating, but unfortonely I was having some problems with blogger!
But now I believe everything is solved =]
So, I'm already on vacations(yay). And yesterday I spent the day at my aut's pool, and it seems that I forgot to apply sunscreen on the front of my shoulder, so I'm kind red in that area, I know SHAME ON ME! Lol
Today the insane hot weather seems to be resting, and it's more pleasant to be outside now.
Im' going to the tailor so he can fix my dress, for my friend's sister baptize, this sunday.
And then I may go to the café with my friend, Joe.
Wow, I got you can follow me on twitter:
I am:
I'm listenig: Boom Boom Pow - Black eyed Peas

I saw the light

Ok guys, one more day of my life is over!
Today I'll be able to say something more than "I studied all day" Yes I studied only on the morning, and then I went to aunt's pool with my lovely sister :D yay, I really needed to take some sun since I am white as fresh painted wall xD
So, tomorrow I gotta go to the school library to check some books..and guess what. My new friend invited me to take breakfast with him tomorrow :O. I don't know if I'm going to accept it or not.. I really don't know, and at this point I would love that my blog had some viewers so anyone could help me.. I mean, I know it's only breakfast, but I am kinda shy and I don't like to eat in front of other people (I know it's weird). I just feel uncomfortable with someone looking at me while I eat..OMG, I'm really awkward, right?
I think it's better for me to take some sleep right now!
See you :S


I am: Feeling a weird person
I am listening: Allysmusic14 (aka Ally Heman) - Better

P.S.: If you don't know allys, you may want to check her myspace:
She has awesome originals, I love it (:

No title ^^

I've just arrived from lunch with my mom, and right now I have to start studying! Omg, it's an awesome sun outside and I've got to stay at home -.-'
Anyways, yesterday I spent my afternoon with that friend that I've talked in the previous post. We went to Ice cream shop, and after we wen to the park and spent the afternoon just rambling around, laughing a lot, and with random talk.
It was an amazing afternoon, he seems to be a cool guy and a nice friend! I liked it.. ;)

So, yeah now I have to get back to study

[EDIT] (before sleep):
That's it my day is over, just finished to paint my nails (which ended like shit, because I didn't stop with my hands and I was just hiting everything with fresh painted nails :X)
I'm going to sleep since tomorrow i gotta study (again). Oh almost forgot, my sister arrives home tomorrow :D yay, I miss her...
Goodbye guys, ttyl

Gigi (:


Omg, my life is a mess right now, guys!
Seriously, I always said that my life was boring, and nothing like the movies! Because I have the same boyfriend for almost three years, and we never brooke up, we never had a big fight, I mean we were happy (yeah, were). Right now I am SO CONFUSED! I keeped this relationship by distance during this years but I don't know if I can pull it off anylonger! I feel like our conection is gone, and I know it is my fault, because he keeps loving me, and he's like crying everytime I am mean to him (which is not helping).

And...this guy showed up, he lives in the same city as I do, he's very sweet for me..But you know, I am aware that if we had a relationship it, probably, won't last more than a month, first off all I don't get along with most of his friends, and second of all he makes me laugh A LOT, like everytime, but you know if I was his girl, I wouldn't laugh about some of his jokes, like I do now! So, maybe it's better to stay in "friends zone", since he is an awesome friend!

With my boyfriend it's a hard story, since we are together for almost 3years, we went trough a lot together, we learned a lot together and we both growed up together!
But, I don't know if others think like me, but just see this: I am with him since I was 14 (I'm 17 now), he was the only true bf that I had. With this, how can I be sure if he is the one and the best? and I just don't want to have only a boyfriend all my life! (You know psichologies says that we should have different relationships during our

This is so crazy guys...
And then after all this crap, guess what?! I have my school exams in 2weeks from now, awesome han? I have to deal with all this crap and furthermore I have to keep focused into school!

See you guys, and please help me!
Xo, Gigi

I am: Confused
I'm listening: Nothing...only the silence of night


Hi beautiful people! Just a quick update.
Today was my penultimate day at school, sadly I can't lay down right now, because after it I will have exams 8|
I think I've never mentioned it but I do.. acrobatic gymnastic! And tada... tomorrow I will have a presentation at school.So I hope everything will be ok.

That's it guys, tomorrow I will update you again

Xo :)

I am: Radiant :D
I'm listening:
Keri Hilson - Return The Favor

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