New video upload

So, i'm not being able to put anything up, just because I'm not feeling very good at this time.
Meanwhile, check my new video on youtube: Desperate- cover

Much love,

Follow my twitter:

.I think I might be becoming depressed.

I'm back

Sorry for the lack of updates, but I got my internet conection changed. And only had access to it again, today.
So, this week I went to sleep at my aunt's beach house, with my sister and some friends.
Yesterday I watched the movie "I love you, man", and overall I liked the movie it's very entertaining to watch and you could give some good laughs.
I also want you to meet my youtube channel: draikah's youtube channel
I just uploaded I sneek peak of my next video, tell me what you think about it

See you tomorrow guys
Much love,

I am: kinda depressed :s (nevermind)
Follow me on twitter:
Hi babes. How are you?
I'm fine, I just finished my day (it's 00:30 GMT time), so I'm in my bed with the laptop trying to remind what I did today.
+First of all, during the morning me and my aunt decided to redecorate her living room, which in my opinion, came out pretty good
+Then we went to the beach all the afternoon, with some of my friends
+After that we took my cousin to his football practise
+Now, I'm here laying in my bed, after a 2hours of random talk with my aun and Isabella.

I'm so tired and I don't know what to write about, I have some ideas for my blog, but I'll only work on that when I go back home.
So yeah, guys very boring post, but it's better than nothing, and it's only a quick update lol
See you tomorrow, smile and be happy :)

Much love,

I am: Sleepy x)
I am listening: nothing

You can also follow me on twitter:

2nd day of my vacation!

Guten Tag people.
2nd day of vacation. Today we went to the beach during the morning and then we went to the pool during all the afternoon. Today was sooo hot but it was really fun and nice. And I'm already more tanned :)
Here's a pic I took yesterday at the pool, with duckie duckie hahaha

(click to see full size)

You bloggers, like to update your blogs at what time of the day?

Much Love,

I am: So tired
I'm listening: Ana Free - Keep on walking

Vacations and Giveaway!!

Hello, just a quick update before I leave, because today I'm going on vacation with my aunt, and I'm just updating before she arrives.
+So first of all, I wanna talk about this awesome giveaway, that is going on at Aquaheart's Blog,
I've already entered so if you want to get a chance of winning a set of three eyeshadows that are 100% pure minerals, just go to her blog, see the rules and enter if you like it.
So good luck to everyone, including myself ;D

+As I already said I'm leaving on vacations today, so it's going to be a week at the beach and at the pool. I'm so excited to meet with my friends, the ones that I only see during summer break! yay

Bye bye guys, I will bring my laptop with me. So I will update you everytime I can.

Much love,

I don't feel like adding a title xD

Hello everyone.
Today is being a great day first of all I logged in and noticed I have new followers (thank you to everyone). Moreover, I also had new comments helping me on how to improve this blog, and I gotta say you guys really helped and I'm getting some ideas.

+More news? Yeahh, bubzbeaty, a makeup guru of youtube finally launched her t-shirt line, and I gotta say they are beautiful (or bubbiful, may I say? =D). I'm a subscriber to her on youtube, and she's really sweet and nice. You deffinetely should check bubzbeauty.

+Remember the picture I uploaded yesterday with my nails? yeah, it was awfull so I decided to upload a better one (with the flower my friend Joe gave to me) :

(click to see full size)

Don't wait until people are dead to give them flowers !
Much love,
You can also find me on twitter:

Help me

Ok guys, this is getting frustrating. You know, who would care about the life of a completely stranger?
I believe unless you're a celebrity people are not going to keep interested about you're days or what you do, or whatever.
I really want to improve my blog and keep people interested on it, but for that I need the help of you, readers. Tell me what would you like to see in here, some subjects that you could like me to discuss here. Serious I want some tips and advices to improve this blog.

P.S.: I'm not searching for popularity or anything, I just want to do something enjoyable and entertaining for other people.

That's it for now guys.


You can also find me on twitter:

New followers

Hey guys, so today when I logged in, I noticed that I had a new follower miss "lipton|TEE"
Here is my little gift for my followers:

My 1st follower: Aquaheart

My 2nd follower: lipton|TEE
Thank you so much to both of you, it really means a lot to me, since I'm starting with my blog.

Today I also painted my nails, here's the photo:
Do you like it?
I'm so sorry for the bad quality, but it was taken with my webcam, with bad lightning :O
It as two shades of pink, and then I did I silver flower on my ring finger (:

Much love,

I am: Starving
I am listening: Kim Sozzi - Feel your love (@ 92.3NOW FM)

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