20 Questions!!

You know this tag game that is going on youtube, called "20 questions tag", so I decided to tag MYSELF! yayaya

Here it goes:
1--Thing you cannot leave the house without? Cellphone, I go crazy when I forgot it at home
2--Favorite Brand of makeup? OCC and NYX
3--Favorite Flower ? Sunflower :)
4-- Fav clothing store? Bershka, forever21, urban outfitters
5--Favorite Perfume ? Curious by Britney Spears
6--Heels or flats ? Flats and mid-heels
7--Do you make good grades ? Yes, mummy x)
8--Favorite colors ? Purple and Yellow
9--Do you drink energy drinks ? Not really
10--Do you drink juice ? Yes, but I gotta start to drink MOREEE water
11--Do you like swimming ? I love being in the water, but swimming only sometimes when I'm feeling it
12--Do you eat fries with a fork ? At home or
mcdonald's or similar I eat them with my hands (cleaned) hahaha. At a restaurant or at a more formal dinning I eat them with a fork ofc
13--Favourite Moisturizer? Cleanance Anti-Shine Regulating Lotion by Avène
14--Do you want to get married later on in life ? I already wanted, then I didn't. Now I really don't know, maybe.
15--Do you get mad easily ? Sometimes, like a lot of times lol but I forget the madness easily too
16--Are you into Ghost Hunting ? WTH? NOO...moving on
17-- Any phobias? Yes, of being buried alive :(
18--Do you bite your nails ? No, I never liked it
19--Have you ever had a near death experience? NOOO
20--Do you drink coffee ?
I don't like coffee...bah x|

Much Love,

I am: talking on the phone xd

I want to tag everyone who is reading this


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