Friday the 13th

x Is it normal for a 17years old girl to get back home from night at 23.30?
x Is it normal that your mom don't let your boyfriend drive you home, cause she doesn't trust him? (man, seriously do you think he wants to kill me?)

Guys I'm like AHHHH with my mom right now, once again she says that I gotta be home at 23.30. I'm so pissed, I mean...I'm always the first one to go home and I really am embaressed for that. At least in my country and at my city the only people that go home so early are the 14/15 years kids...
I don't get boyfriend could drive me home, we only need 4mins driving from the bar to home... My friends that live further are allowed to go home walking. I would understand her if I lived on a big city with a lots of crimes...but NO, I live at a small town where are very little crimes or accidents.

I cant way to be 18 to get my driver's licence and go to college.

+That's it guys, I gotta get dressed for my dinner out (and be home at 23.30...) DAMN IT!!!


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