Omg, my life is a mess right now, guys!
Seriously, I always said that my life was boring, and nothing like the movies! Because I have the same boyfriend for almost three years, and we never brooke up, we never had a big fight, I mean we were happy (yeah, were). Right now I am SO CONFUSED! I keeped this relationship by distance during this years but I don't know if I can pull it off anylonger! I feel like our conection is gone, and I know it is my fault, because he keeps loving me, and he's like crying everytime I am mean to him (which is not helping).

And...this guy showed up, he lives in the same city as I do, he's very sweet for me..But you know, I am aware that if we had a relationship it, probably, won't last more than a month, first off all I don't get along with most of his friends, and second of all he makes me laugh A LOT, like everytime, but you know if I was his girl, I wouldn't laugh about some of his jokes, like I do now! So, maybe it's better to stay in "friends zone", since he is an awesome friend!

With my boyfriend it's a hard story, since we are together for almost 3years, we went trough a lot together, we learned a lot together and we both growed up together!
But, I don't know if others think like me, but just see this: I am with him since I was 14 (I'm 17 now), he was the only true bf that I had. With this, how can I be sure if he is the one and the best? and I just don't want to have only a boyfriend all my life! (You know psichologies says that we should have different relationships during our

This is so crazy guys...
And then after all this crap, guess what?! I have my school exams in 2weeks from now, awesome han? I have to deal with all this crap and furthermore I have to keep focused into school!

See you guys, and please help me!
Xo, Gigi

I am: Confused
I'm listening: Nothing...only the silence of night


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